A milestone, an invitation and a social media update

As any good writer/geek I love checking the numbers of how many new downloads my book He’s With the Band has gotten every day, and those who have been following me around the interwebs know the numbers are knocking my socks off, possibly agreeing with what the Mythbusters say about that phrase. Over the weekend I saw something that was so amazing I had to create a graphic to celebrate it with.

HWTB hits 1,000 downloads! more “A milestone, an invitation and a social media update”

What I’m reading this week

Updated 18 September: I realized I had some bad links to some of the ebooks. It’s all fixed now. Sorry about that!

Since I signed up with Smashwords to publish my writing I’ve become an avid ebook reader. It seems every day there are new ebooks published that I want to read and I keep meaning to share what I find with everyone so starting today I’m hoping to publish a weekly list of the ebooks I’ve found on Smashwords that I’ve really enjoyed. Since this is the first time I’m writing this list I’m going to include the ebooks I’ve loved since first joining the site. more “What I’m reading this week”

Thoughts of Hearth and Home on this Labor Day Weekend

(Please pardon how late this is getting published. I was offline for the weekend and almost forgot to get it off my flash drive and publish it.)

As has happened in a lot of years gone by, my mom’s birthday falls on Labor Day, this year and of course I took some time over the weekend to think about her. As happens with so many others I didn’t know I’d want to talk to my mom so much until she was gone. She died a few years back, and it’s struck me how many times in the last two years alone I wish I could have called Mom, maybe to ask about a recipe or some other kind of food thing (she was an incredible cook), maybe to ask her about something on my mind, or perhaps just to call and ask my Mom how she was doing. She was always busy with a lot on her plate, and I have no idea what her days were like as she started her eighth decade on the planet. Our folks divorced when I was but a wee kitten, putting our mom immediately into the role of working mother just to do what she could to make sure my brother, sister and I had as close to a normal childhood as we could. more “Thoughts of Hearth and Home on this Labor Day Weekend”

Just a quick note of thanks

Check out the "He's With the Band" paperback at Amazon.comI just wanted to give a big THANK YOU!!!! to everyone who downloaded a copy of He’s With the Band so far. It hasn’t been published for a full month yet and over 300 copies have been downloaded. Holy crap! How did that happen to my little decade old short story?

Updated 4 September: It looks like I read the numbers wrong from Amazon. They’ve realized that my ebook is free everywhere else so they’ve lowered the price of the Kindle version to free as well. As of this as I type this I’m showing Amazon has had 229 downloads and Smashwords has served up 213 downloads for a grand total of 442 downloads. As I said yesterday, how the hell…??? more “Just a quick note of thanks”

The story behind “He’s With the Band”

I thought since I was starting a site for my fiction writing I’d start it with the story behind He’s With the Band (HWTB), my very first short story, including who the artists mentioned in the first few paragraphs are.

I’ve loved to read for years, and beginning in the late 90’s I had been asked enough times if I’ve ever tried my hand at writing that I decided to take a stab at it. I had never taken a creative writing class outside of English classes in school but I had read enough books that I hoped I could write stories that people may want to read. One of the most given pieces of advice given to new authors is to write what you know, and I used my own life as a starting point for my writing. Of course I made a point of not writing anything too close to my life, for a number of reasons. more “The story behind “He’s With the Band””

“He’s With the Band” gets reviewd by Quiet Lilac

Updated 6 September: Please forgive my tardiness in posting this but it turns out that A.D.Pomeroy, the man behind Dictionary Corner, had to shut the site down due to time commitments. Luckily he moved the review to his other site, Quiet Lilac. I’ve changed the links below to point to the new location. Part of his review also graces the back of the paperback version of He’s With the Band, and I’m glad he allowed me to use his review there.

This morning I saw that one of my fellow WordPress.com bloggers, dictionarycorner, has reviewed “He’s With the Band.” He makes some great points, and as I continue working on my mystery I’m definitely going to keep his comments in mind. more ““He’s With the Band” gets reviewd by Quiet Lilac”