A new month, new social media contacts

As I wrote last month, I changed my Twitter account but what I didn’t say is that I was looking to create a new Facebook account as well. There are a lot of reasons why I wanted to make the change, some are housekeeping related but some are of a personal nature and I’d like to keep them to myself.

I now have a new Facebook account and I’m not going to be sharing that account with many people. In time I’ll drop some hints where to find it but for now I want to set things up how I want them. Some people will get Friend Requests in the coming days, but some will not. I don’t do this to be mean but to try to simplify things for my rather oldish mind. Things have been crazy this year (Have I said I hate 2013 lately? I so do.) and with my laptop dying a week and a half ago it’s just added more complexity to my life. I have a friend who is trying to rescue my writing from the old drive and if he is successful I’ll be rolling out an update to He’s With the Band with information about Somewhere… and More.

I’m still taking Beta Reader requests so if you want to help make Somewhere… and More the best it can be go fill out the form on yesterday’s article.

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