My ebooks are now FREE to libraries

As I was taking care of some things today I noticed that Smashwords has a page set up just for authors to manage the prices they charge for their ebooks. One of the things I noticed on that page is a way to adjust the prices libraries have to pay for ebooks distributed by Smashwords. I also noticed that many authors make their ebooks free to libraries, partly to simply help get our ebooks in front of readers via their local public library. As someone who uses a public library every day I love that idea, both as an author and as a reader.

When the latest updates go out to Library Direct, Baker & Taylor’s Axis360, and 3M’s Cloud Library you will find He’s With the Band, and A Common Sense Proposal for the Lack of US Federal Budgets are now available FREE to libraries, and when Somewhere… and More is released next month it will also be free to libraries.

There’s one other update that you may have missed if you don’t follow me on Twitter. Somewhere… and More is now available for preorders on Apple’s iBooks. I’m still waiting to find it on Kobo and as soon as I do I’ll add the link to the ebook’s page.

I’m still waiting for my federal budget ebook to be approved for distribution via the Smashwords Premium Catalog and as soon as I do I’ll start adding links for it in the various online stores on the book’s page on this site. If you don’t want to wait you can find links to get it from both Smashwords and the Kindle store now.

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