Tanj this week…

I haven’t forgotten to post ebooks I’ve found during Read an Ebook Week, I just didn’t have a chance to find any. I was going to post and say I’ll try to find some on Thursday but I lost a lens from my glasses Wednesday night, turning me from a 4-eyes to a 3-eyes, and had to scramble to least make arrangements to get a new set of eyes. My exam appointment is Tuesday morning and it turns out I’ll have to wait 4-6 weeks to get my new ones. (Tanj it Mass Health!) more “Tanj this week…”

It’s Read an Ebook Week!

Last week I was thinking it should be getting time for the 2015 Smashwords Read an Ebook Week and sure enough, when I checked my email this morning I see that it started yesterday. Read an Ebook Week is a promotion my distributor, Smashwords, runs every year to encourage people to read ebooks. Many Smashwords authors put deep discounts on their ebooks with some making their ebooks completely free. As I did last year you can get my two non-free ebooks at a 50% discount. more “It’s Read an Ebook Week!”