Five days to “Somewhere… and More”: “Day of the Living Dead”

It’s now just five days until the release of "Somewhere... and More" coverSomewhere… and More: The Lyrics of J.M. Hardin, my companion to He’s With the Band, and I’m posting an excerpt each day from now to Monday to help you see why if you love He’s With the Band I bet you’ll enjoy reading Somewhere… and More.

As I said yesterday, Somewhere won’t be a free ebook, but you can preorder it for $2.99 now at Smashwords, Apple’s iBooks, and Barnes & Noble’s Nook Store. It should also be available for preorder with Kobo but I can’t find it on their site yet.

I was going to excerpt another song today but since it’s Halloween I have to go with Day of the Living Dead, a perfect song for today. Here’s how the song starts:

Hollywood has a love affair with the legends of creeps and ghouls
They scare us half out of our wits with the talk of those no longer dead
We don’t have to fear the zombies who come out when the moon is full
Even though the living dead may be sitting right next to you

‘Cause God calls us to be the living dead, alive in Him and dead to sin
Death hasn’t got a hold on us if the Lord is living within
If that same Spirit dwells in you that raised Jesus Christ from the dead
The each and every day for you is the day of the living dead

There are nine more songs in Somewhere… and More. Any guesses which one I’ll share tomorrow?

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