Four days to “Somewhere… and More”: “Help Me to Know (For Linda)”

It’s now just four days until the release of "Somewhere... and More" coverSomewhere… and More: The Lyrics of J.M. Hardin, my companion to He’s With the Band, and I’m posting an excerpt each day from now to Monday to help you see why if you love He’s With the Band I bet you’ll enjoy reading Somewhere… and More.

You can still preorder it for $2.99 now at Smashwords, Apple’s iBooks, and Barnes & Noble’s Nook Store.

For today’s excerpt I’m going to share the lyrics that start Help Me to Know (For Linda), the song that I wrote after reading Linda Katherine Cutting’s Memory Slips: A Memoir of Music and Healing and that Tammy McBride sang at her church in He’s With the Band.

When I’m all alone,
Whether by myself or in a crowded room
I remember all that has happened to me
And I wanna curl up into a ball

Help me to know. Help me to know
I’m not a useless, throwaway child
I want to know the love that I’ve never felt before
The love without strings, without any fears

There are eight more songs in Somewhere… and More but only three more days until it’s release. Which one do you think I’ll share tomorrow?

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