Everyone should have one or two friends like this

Yumi Aakugawa -  I Think I Am in Friend-Love with You“I have a confession to make.”

That’s how Yumi Sakugawa’s I Think I Am in Friend-Love with You begins. You may have seen it since it went viral on the Sadie Magazine website. I saw it when StumbleUpon my first thought was “Oh. My. God. I wish I could show this to my best friend. It says exactly what I wanted to say but didn’t know what words to use.” Alas, my friend and I had a falling out and I couldn’t show it to them but I’m hoping they’ve already seen it and have shown it to someone super-awesome they know. more “Everyone should have one or two friends like this”

Next week is Read an Ebook Week

Find new ebooks to love at great discounts (or even FREE!) during Smashwords' 2014 Read An Ebook Week!Smashwords, my ebook distributor, runs a promotion every year to encourage people to read ebooks, with many of their ebooks discounted if not completely free. They’s announced that the 2014 Smashwords Read an Ebook Week will be next week, 2-8 March. It will not only be the perfect chance to find ebooks you never knew you’d love but you will also be able to get my ebooks at a 50% discount. more “Next week is Read an Ebook Week”

“No Budget, No Pay” is being republished

"No Budget, No Pay"Last October I wrote a book called A Common Sense Proposal for the Lack of US Federal Budgets, a mouthful of a title that I shortened in December to No Budget, No Pay. Unfortunately the name change ended up causing confusion for many of the stores that carry my ebook so today I republished No Budget, No Pay as a brand new ebook with an ISBN of 9781310742804. The price is still $2.99 and you can preview 25% of the ebook before you have to buy it. more ““No Budget, No Pay” is being republished”

Sony leaves the ebook business

Sony Reader Store logoToday I got online after being off for two days and as I was checking headlines at NPR I saw Book News: It’s The End Of The Story For Sony’s E-Bookstore. That got my attention since my ebooks are available in Sony’s Reader Store thanks to their distribution deal with Smashwords, the company that distributes my ebooks. I went to Smashwords’ Site Updates page and saw the news there, along with a post on their blog that details that NPR didn’t provide. more “Sony leaves the ebook business”