Everyone should have one or two friends like this

Yumi Aakugawa -  I Think I Am in Friend-Love with You“I have a confession to make.”

That’s how Yumi Sakugawa’s I Think I Am in Friend-Love with You begins. You may have seen it since it went viral on the Sadie Magazine website. I saw it when StumbleUpon my first thought was “Oh. My. God. I wish I could show this to my best friend. It says exactly what I wanted to say but didn’t know what words to use.” Alas, my friend and I had a falling out and I couldn’t show it to them but I’m hoping they’ve already seen it and have shown it to someone super-awesome they know. more “Everyone should have one or two friends like this”

What I’m reading this week

Updated 18 September: I realized I had some bad links to some of the ebooks. It’s all fixed now. Sorry about that!

Since I signed up with Smashwords to publish my writing I’ve become an avid ebook reader. It seems every day there are new ebooks published that I want to read and I keep meaning to share what I find with everyone so starting today I’m hoping to publish a weekly list of the ebooks I’ve found on Smashwords that I’ve really enjoyed. Since this is the first time I’m writing this list I’m going to include the ebooks I’ve loved since first joining the site. more “What I’m reading this week”