I’m movin’ on…

Updated 19 Oct 2023: Due to circumstances I won’t get into here, I’m no longer on the social media platform I mentioned in this post. As a result, I’ve removed references to it from this post and other articles on this site. As I say at the end of the post, I’m movin’ on.

While watching Outside Source on BBC World, the news broke that Twitter had accepted Elon Musk’s offer to buy the company. As soon as I heard that he wanted to buy the bird app, I tweeted that I would close my account if the sale went through.

When I heard the news today (oh boy), I immediately started paring down the number of folks I was following, and someone reminded me to archive my account before closing it. While I intended on killing my account before the first pitch between the Dodgers and D’backs, I’ll wait to get my archive before leaving there.

As The Zombies sang while opening up their 2015 album Still Got That Hunger, I’m moving on.

I’ve unfollowed several WordPress sites

The problem with doing three different sites is I can get multiple notifications for the same sites. Today I went through the sites I follow via WordPress and moved all the Second Life related sites I follow to the account connected with nancisnaughties.com.

I’ve also unfollowed several sites relating to writing because I’m no longer doing any creative writing outside of my two WP sites. That’s simply to cut down on some of the clutter associated with this WP account. If you’re in that group of sites please know that ho offense is intended, it’s just a matter of only having so many hours in already busy days.

I’m still going to be updating this site, although my Nanci’s Naughties site will get the most activity simply because I have new products coming out every month in Second Life, and many of the designs I create will be available in my real-world clothing store as well.

If you’re in Second Life and you’re finding that I no longer follow you with this WP account or the old Nanci’s Naughties account it’s likely I’ve followed you on my new NN account. I hope to see you over there.

As I say on the SL store site, stay naughty out there, y’all. Just remember, you can be naughty without being an asshole. There is a difference.

My ebooks are out of print

When I first started this site it was to support my writing, but I haven’t written anything in a very long time other than posts here and on my other sites.

Since I don’t expect to do any more writing, this evening I took all of my ebooks out of print. I also removed the menu item about my books, although the pages will stay on the site since going through the posts to remove the links, or the posts themselves, will require more energy than it’s worth.

I’ve told Smashwords, Amazon and Google Play to stop selling my ebooks, and it will take some time to get the word out to all of Smashwords’ distribution partners so if you’re interested in my writing you’ll need to search quickly for them since I expect them to leave all the sites by early November.

Have a Happy All Hallows’ Eve, everybody.

Dodger Tees is closing

DT WordPress headerDue to a lack of interest, I will be closing my Dodger Tees store on Spreadshirt on Tuesday, 1 May. Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the resources to market the store properly, and while I have several ideas for new products, I don’t have the chops to do them justice, and my budget won’t allow me to farm the job out.

My Wtfuckatash and Cancer Sucks design will continue to be available in the Spreadshirt Marketplace, but my other designs will no longer be available after the 1st of May.

If you’re interested in getting any of my products please order them soon. Any orders placed when I close my shop will still be fulfilled, but after the closing most of my products will no longer be available.

Thank you for your interest and patronage of my Spreadshirt shop.

New designs, even more new products, but a new problem, too

Yesterday I posted a poll asking if I should turn my “I’ve got Religion” design into tees, and while the voting was sparse Dodgers fans on Twitter gave a quick and resounding “YES!” so I uploaded it and turned it into T-shirts. But I also uploaded a design with Chase Utley, and all of my designs got put on a wider range of products. Which caused a new problem. How do I display everything to make it easy to see all the designs I have available? more “New designs, even more new products, but a new problem, too”

New Dodger Tee: #ItAintOverYet!

#ItAIntOverYet tees and tanksEarlier this season I started responding to people complaining that the Dodgers were going to lose a game while still pretty early in the game with the hashtag #ItAintOverYet. As I write this, last night’s game was yet another one of those games when the Arizona Diamondbacks scored five runs off Rich Hill in the first inning. I had already been toying with the idea of making an #ItAintOverYet tee, with a rough design started by the time the game started, and by the end of the third inning, I had most of the design finished. more “New Dodger Tee: #ItAintOverYet!”

We have T-shirts!

Several years back I used to sell t-shirts on Spreadshirt but closed it because the work it took to maintain the shop wasn’t matched by the number of shirts sold. But now I’ve been asked to sell t-shirts again and I’m proud to announce that I just opened my new T-shirt shop on Spreadshirt: Dodger Tees!

Dodger Tees is here!

more “We have T-shirts!”