“He’s With the Band” hits another milestone on Smashwords!

When I went over to Smashwords to check my latest stats I found something on my Dashboard that couldn’t fail to make me smile.

401 downloads of "He's With the Band!"

You’re seeing that correctly. He’s With the Band has been downloaded over 400 times just on Smashwords.com since it was published back on 5 August of last year. That number doesn’t include downloads from Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble or any other store that Smashwords has placed by ebooks with.

I’m not sure how I can find out who the 400th downloader was but I’d love to find out so I can do something special for them.  I’ll have to contact Smashwords and see if they can help me identify the person.

Thanks to everyone who has read my short story. When I pulled it out of my proverbial bottom drawer I had no idea so many people would want to read it. If you like it please consider going to the site you got it from and write a review. If you post a review on Smashwords or Amazon I’ll see your review pretty quickly, but if you write a review on another site please let me know in the comments so I can go read it. I do read all of my reviews and whether they’re positive or negative they all help me write better.

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