Sneak Preview: A new scene from “He’s With the Band”

Before the year closes out I wanted to share something that I’d been working on since I haven’t published anything new this year. As I said earlier today (and in the past), I wrote a new scene for He’s With the Band earlier this year but I haven’t been able to get it all typed up. As a thank you to everyone who’s been waiting patiently for it I wanted to share what I have of the new scene available. It’s a very early draft so not only do I have more to add to it I may also make some pretty big changes to it when I finally get the new version published.

more “Sneak Preview: A new scene from “He’s With the Band””

About the crazy, creative person in known as me

"A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity" - Franz KafkaAs I said yesterday, I just read Amanda Palmer’s The Art of Asking and I’m blown away by how open she is about everything. As 2014 comes to a close I know it seems this writer hasn’t written much and in the spirit of Amanda’s begin open with her fans I wanted to try to explain why you haven’t seen much writerly output from me, and how I hope to change that in 2015.

FAIR WARNING: I may drift into TMI territory at times. If I do feel free to skip to the next paragraph. I’ll try to keep the oversharing to a minimum. more “About the crazy, creative person in known as me”

We have a new milestone!

I love looking at the stats for my ebooks every day. Even when there’s not much news I make a point to check the download numbers for He’s With the Band and the number of times the previews for Somewhere… and More and No Budget, No Pay got downloaded. It turns out that even eight months after I published WHTB I still see 200-250 downloads every month between Smashwords and their partner sites and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program. more “We have a new milestone!”

“He’s With the Band” is no longer available in paperback

Find He's With the Band on SmashwordsDue to a recent price increase in the paperback edition of He’s With the Band, along with the fact that I am unable to make any updates in that edition of the book, I have removed it from sale from Amazon and their CreateSpace division. The minimum price Amazon allowed me to charge for the paperback was high enough at $4.59, simply because the book is so short, but when I noticed that the price had risen almost a dollar with no explanation as to why the minimum price was increased I felt I had no choice but to remove it from print completely.

I’m sorry about any inconvenience this causes.

Smashwords gets a major redesign

Smashwords Blog: Smashwords Unveils Major Website RedesignSmashwords, the company that puts my ebooks into so many major retailers, threw the switch on a major redesign of their website. The new site is bright and shiny, and it’s even easier to see the information on the books you’re looking at. The screenshot on the right, from Smashword’s announcement of the redesign on their blog, shows a bit of how much cleaner the site looks, and when you go to an ebook’s page you can see just how much cleaner it looks, as you can see in this screenshot of the page for my ebook He’s With the Bandmore “Smashwords gets a major redesign”

He’s With the Band gets updated… with goodies

He's With the Band now with a preview of "Somewhere... and More"!I just uploaded a new version of He’s With the Band to Smashwords with a sneak peek at Somewhere… and More: The Lyrics of J.M. Hardin.

You can get they updated version of HWTB from Smashwords now, and once they approve the new version it will go into the Smashwords Premium Catalog, which means it will be made available to the iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and the other ebook stores. more “He’s With the Band gets updated… with goodies”