We have a new milestone!

I love looking at the stats for my ebooks every day. Even when there’s not much news I make a point to check the download numbers for He’s With the Band and the number of times the previews for Somewhere… and More and No Budget, No Pay got downloaded. It turns out that even eight months after I published WHTB I still see 200-250 downloads every month between Smashwords and their partner sites and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program. more “We have a new milestone!”

Kobo makes it a sweep with all of the major ebookstores carrying all of my ebooks

Find my ebooks on SmashwordsAs many of you know, I distribute my ebooks via Smashwords, a company that was created for the sole purpose of helping independent ebook authors get their ebooks into ebookstores so that readers can find their ebooks. As you can see from the screenshot below if you have your ebooks in the Smashwords Premium Catalog they can put your ebooks in most, if not all, the major stores where readers will look for ebooks, including libraries. more “Kobo makes it a sweep with all of the major ebookstores carrying all of my ebooks”

I’ve been interviewed!

Find my ebooks on SmashwordsSmashwords, the company that distributes my ebooks, has created a tool to let their authors post an interview on their Smashwords page. When I saw it back in August it looked interesting but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to use it. I looked at the other day I realized it had some really good questions for us, which was my biggest hesitation about using it myself. I thought we would have to think of our own questions, and while we can add our own they have a number of great questions just waiting for our answers.

Find out how I started writing, what my writing process is and who some of my favorite authors are in my Smashwords interview. Is there a question you’d like answered? Leave it in the comments here and I’ll add it to my Smashwords interview.

Congrats to my ebook distributor and a free Whitey Bulger ebook from WBUR

Yesterday Mark Coker posted an announcement on the Smashwords blog that Smashwords was ranked as the #1 indie ebook producer for 2012. That is fantastic news and not just because they’re the company that distributes my ebooks to stores like iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Diesel and even to libraries. Smashwords was created back in 2008 for the specific purpose of helping independent ebook writers get their ebooks into stores where readers can find them. more “Congrats to my ebook distributor and a free Whitey Bulger ebook from WBUR”

“Somewhere… and More” Is NOW AVAILABLE

It’s finally here. "Somewhere... and More" coverSomewhere… and More: The Lyrics of J.M. Hardin is now available for purchase and immediate download.

For those who don’t know, about a decade ago I wrote a Christian short story called He’s With the Band, the tale of a song writing sound guy who’s finally giving in to pressure from the band he works for and some friends and is finally making demos of his songs and seeing what he can do with them. Along the way he meets a young woman who he thinks is just a fan of the band but who’s been wanting to meet him. In the story are some of the words to three of the songs I’d written, and with the release Somewhere… and More I’m publishing the complete lyrics to not only those three songs but to eight other songs I’ve written since moving to Boston in 1989. While the new ebook is a book of song lyrics I’m marketing it as a book of poetry, and I really hope that my lyrics are good enough that you’ll enjoy them without the music. more ““Somewhere… and More” Is NOW AVAILABLE”