Congrats to my ebook distributor and a free Whitey Bulger ebook from WBUR

Yesterday Mark Coker posted an announcement on the Smashwords blog that Smashwords was ranked as the #1 indie ebook producer for 2012. That is fantastic news and not just because they’re the company that distributes my ebooks to stores like iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Diesel and even to libraries. Smashwords was created back in 2008 for the specific purpose of helping independent ebook writers get their ebooks into stores where readers can find them.

The report was written by Bowker, the organization that does the ISBN registration in the US, so they know how many ebooks were published. Granted, their report doesn’t take in ebooks that were published without an ISBN but if you write an ebook and you want to get it into ebook stores you will find that some stores won’t even look at your ebook without an ISBN.

In another matter, today I saw that WBUR, my local NPR news radio station, has published a free ebook about the trial of mobster Whitey Bulger. TitledĀ Bulger On Trial, it contains investigative reporter David Boeri’s extensive reporting of the “Whitey Bulger saga.” If you’re interested in reading about the 2013 trial and its back story you owe it to yourself to get this free ebook. It’s available for iBooks, the Kindle and as an EPUB file that’s readable on most other ebook readers, and they also have it available to read online. The ebook is free. but it was published by a public radio station so if you enjoy it please consider making a donation to help cover the costs of the kinds of reporting that make up the ebook.

One thought on “Congrats to my ebook distributor and a free Whitey Bulger ebook from WBUR

  1. […] Congrats to my ebook distributor and a free Whitey Bulger ebook from WBUR […]...

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