Next week is Read an Ebook Week

Find new ebooks to love at great discounts (or even FREE!) during Smashwords' 2014 Read An Ebook Week!Smashwords, my ebook distributor, runs a promotion every year to encourage people to read ebooks, with many of their ebooks discounted if not completely free. They’s announced that the 2014 Smashwords Read an Ebook Week will be next week, 2-8 March. It will not only be the perfect chance to find ebooks you never knew you’d love but you will also be able to get my ebooks at a 50% discount.

He’s With the Band is free so it’s price won’t change, but Somewhere… and More, the followup to He’s With the Band, and the republished No Budget, No Pay will both be available next week for just $1.50 each!

Updated 3 March: All you have to do to get the discount is to use the code REW50 at checkout.

Whether you get my ebooks or someone else’s, don’t forget the best thing about buying ebooks from Smashwords: You can buy them one time and get versions to read on all of the devices you read ebooks on. Do you have a Kindle? Smashwords has a Kindle file for most of their ebooks. Do you prefer reading on an iPad? How about a Nook? Would you prefer a PDF to read on your desktop or laptop computer? Not a problem. They even have plain text files for most of their ebooks if you want to read an ebook on a not-so-smart phone as long as you can read text files from a memory card. I know because that’s how I’ve read a lot of ebooks since my laptop died back in September.

The only limitation for the different formats is that the author has to approve that their ebook be formatted for the various formats. I’ve seen some ebooks in only the .epub format that the iPad and many other ebooks readers use, but not the .mobi format that the Kindle demands.

Why don’t you head on over to Smashwords now and check out some of the ebooks they have available. You may even find some ebooks you want to get before Read an Ebook Week begins. There’s scads of free ebooks for you to choose from every day of the year.

My 2014 Read An Ebook Week promo

Amazon HWTB 140303 (Kindle).htm

4 thoughts on “Next week is Read an Ebook Week

  1. […] Friday I wrote that Smashwords, my ebook distributor, is running their annual 2014 Smashwords Read ...
  2. […] and More and No Budget, No Pay are available for just $1.50 at Smashwords this week for Read an Eboo...
  3. […] in March Smashwords, my ebook distributor, ran their annual Read an Ebook Week  promotion and I ma...
  4. […] authors put deep discounts on their ebooks with some making their ebooks completely free. As I did l...

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