The Kickstarter campaign is almost at the halfway mark and it doesn’t look good for my Franklin Park photobook

Want to back my next book?Last week I was glad to be able to report that the Kickstarter campaign to fund the creation of my next book, a photobook of Franklin Park, had its first two backers. Unfortunately despite hearing lots of enthusiasm about the book only one other person has backed it since then. And that’s not a good thing for the creation of a photobook of Boston’s much-loved urban park. more “The Kickstarter campaign is almost at the halfway mark and it doesn’t look good for my Franklin Park photobook”

What a diff’rence a day made…

"Somewhere... and More" cover… Twenty-four little hours

That song by Dinah Washington got cued up in my head as I was checking the stats on my books today. Not only have I seen He’s With the Band downloaded 80 times just this month, over the weekend someone bought Somewhere… and More over at Amazon. Of course that’s good news but I didn’t realize how much difference a single sale would make in my stats in the Kindle Store. How big a difference? Wow. more “What a diff’rence a day made…”

I’m working on a new book. Want to help me Kickstart it?

Can you help my next book get a Kickstart?I’ve lived in Boston for 25 years now and didn’t know a lot about Franklin Park, part of the Emerald Necklace of public park space Frederick Law Olmstead’s firm designed back in the late 1800’s. But earlier this year I discovered Julie Arrison’s book Images of America: Franklin Park (Arcadia Publishing), about the design and creation of the park. There’s a whole lot more park than I had any idea about.

That’s how I start describing the book I’d like to make on the project’s Kickstarter page. Over the next 30 days I’m looking for people to help me raise $2,900 to fund the purchase of a new laptop and a smartphone to use to take pictures of Boston’s Franklin Park over the course of the next year.

Of course there’s more to pay for in that $2,900 bucks, like some really great premiums for people who help me fund the creation of the book. If you back me with as little as $25 US you will get a free copy of the ebook version of the book as well as access to a funders’ area that will have a lot of the pictures for the book as they’re taken. If you can donate more there’s some great added goodies waiting for you, including a signed copy of the paperback edition of the book when it comes out if you back me at the top level with $250.

The book will be published as an ebook in Fall 2015 both as an ebook via Smashwords (and their partner stores) and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, as well as a print on demand paperback through Amazon’s CreateSpace. But you can get a free copy if you’re one of the book’s backers.

There’s only 30 days to get this done so if you can help you can’t wait too long to do it. Head on over to the project page and see what you can do to help make this book real. I promise there’s going to be a lot to like in it, even if you don’t live in Boston and don’t plan to visit. Our park really is that beautiful.

Visit the book’s Kickstarter page

The Indie Author Manifesto

Smashwords Indie Author Manifesto (corrected)Yesterday I was checking my stats at Smashwords and discovered that  the Smashwords founder, Mark Coker, had written a manifesto for us independent authors. As a Smashwords author I love it, and as an indie author I gladly and wholeheartedly join Mark in posting this as a commitment from this author to his readers.

Updated 16 April to fix a typo in the infographic. Whoops!
more “The Indie Author Manifesto”

Thank you Amazon for charts!

HWTB downloads via Smashwords as of 15 April 2014One of the things I love about Smashwords distributing my ebooks is that they give me great statistics, and they even let me get daily download numbers for my ebooks on days when I’m not able to get online thanks to their graphs that show the stats for each day. But Smashwords isn’t my biggest online partner in terms of sales, that’s Amazon and their Kindle Direct Publishing Program (KDP). The only problem is that if I can’t get online on a particular day I have no way of seeing how many downloads I got from day to day on Amazon.

But as of yesterday evening that’s all changed. more “Thank you Amazon for charts!”

We have a new milestone!

I love looking at the stats for my ebooks every day. Even when there’s not much news I make a point to check the download numbers for He’s With the Band and the number of times the previews for Somewhere… and More and No Budget, No Pay got downloaded. It turns out that even eight months after I published WHTB I still see 200-250 downloads every month between Smashwords and their partner sites and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program. more “We have a new milestone!”

My ebooks are now available on Scribd

My ebooks are now available on ScridbBack in December Smashwords announced that they had signed a distribution agreement with Scribd and today I see that my three ebooks are now available on that site. I’ve updated the pages for each book to include the new link (and a new link for No Budget, No Pay on Barnes & Noble) but I wanted to give you the links to each of my ebooks on Scribd on one page for those that want to check it out there.

And don’t forget, both Somewhere… and More and No Budget, No Pay are available for just $1.50 at Smashwords this week for Read an Ebook Week. That’s half off the regular price and Scribd doesn’t have that price so get your copy soon. The price will go back up to the regular price when the sale ends so don’t miss out.