The Kickstarter campaign is almost at the halfway mark and it doesn’t look good for my Franklin Park photobook

Want to back my next book?Last week I was glad to be able to report that the Kickstarter campaign to fund the creation of my next book, a photobook of Franklin Park, had its first two backers. Unfortunately despite hearing lots of enthusiasm about the book only one other person has backed it since then. And that’s not a good thing for the creation of a photobook of Boston’s much-loved urban park.

In the last two weeks I’ve been able to talk to a number of people about the book and a lot of people love the idea, with several saying that they’d love to be able to get a book like that. Unfortunately with the project only being only 4% funded as I write this on Friday afternoon there are only 15 more days to raise the almost $2,800 the project still needs.

For those who don’t know, one of the things about Kickstarter projects is that if the funding goal for a project isn’t met the project doesn’t get any money, not even the amount of money pledged when the campaign ends. If a project doesn’t get funded we’re welcome to change it and try again but I spent several weeks looking at the budget and trying to pare it down. There’s just no fat left in this budget. The few things I could trim were thrown away weeks ago.

If a book and website with a year of pictures of Boston’s Franklin Park is something you’d like to see made please visit the project and back it. Even a small amount is a vote of confidence in the project and with every additional backer it shows everyone else looking at the campaign that people want it made. And every dollar pledged gets me that much closer to being able to create the book that so many people have told me they’d like to see made.

Back my Picture Book of Franklin Park on Kickstarter

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