What a diff’rence a day made…

"Somewhere... and More" cover… Twenty-four little hours

That song by Dinah Washington got cued up in my head as I was checking the stats on my books today. Not only have I seen He’s With the Band downloaded 80 times just this month, over the weekend someone bought Somewhere… and More over at Amazon. Of course that’s good news but I didn’t realize how much difference a single sale would make in my stats in the Kindle Store. How big a difference? Wow.

Author Central Bestseller Rank - SAM 140721

You’re seeing that correctly. Somewhere… and More went from #2,035,385 of all paid books in the Kindle Store on Friday to 110,505 on Saturday. All because someone bought it. It’s dropped down on the sales list to #319,827 today but that’s ok. You can see how low it’s been for a while. Today it’s also ranked #59 of all the Christian poetry books in the Kindle Store.

There is one problem with that. They obviously didn’t see this news. If they want to get a refund from Amazon and get it from Smashwords that’s cool. I’m just glad to have someone like it enough to want to get the entire book rather than just the free preview.

Since I’m talking stats how about some overall stats for my books today. That sale makes seven downloads for Somewhere… this month (all the rest were previews on Smashwords.com) for 90 downloads this year (again, all previews). He’s With the Band is still going like gangbusters.

  • Only 8 downloads on Samshwords but
  • 14 downloads from Barnes & Noble
  • 55 downloads from Amazon.com
  • 2 downloads from Amazon.com.au
  • 70 total downloads for HWTB this month worldwide
  • #84 in Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Romance on Amazon.com
  • #47 inLiterature & Fiction > Religious Fiction > Romance on Amazon.com.au

Those numbers may not look that great for some (more popular) authors but I love them.

[Obligatory Kickstarter promo]

Have you checked out my Kickstarter campaign yet? There are just 19 days to go and I’m just 3% funded. If you want to see a year’s worth of pictures of Frederick Law Olmstead’s gorgeous Franklin Park the project needs to get funded. And there’s one thing that may get included in the project but I won’t mention it on Kickstarter yet because I can’t promise it will happen: I may also make an app with all the pictures, geotagged with a GPS-enabled map to help you find not just where the pictures were taken but also what pictures were taken near where you’re standing if you fire it up in Franklin Park. I think an Android app is doable but I need to check some things to see what I’d need to do to create an iOS app since I don’t own any iOS devices.

/[Obligatory Kickstart promo]

[Completely cool but wholly OT]

I just have to give a shout out to Amanda Freaking Palmer, the person who inspired me to drag out my old short story and publish it. She go to record with one of  her absolute favorite artists. Who? Follow the link to find out. You should check out her site anyway.

[/Completely cool but wholly OT]

I’ll bring it all back to the top and  share the song that was running through my head when I started this (before I saw Amanda’s great news).

Have a great evening, y’all.

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