I know yesterday I forgot to post what I’ve been reading in the past week and between trying to work on my next book and a whole bunch of stuff I’ve been working on and dealing with it’s going to be a very short list this week, but I have something else for you guys (and gals) that I hope makes up for it. more “What I’m reading, the week ending 15 September”
A milestone, an invitation and a social media update
As any good writer/geek I love checking the numbers of how many new downloads my book He’s With the Band has gotten every day, and those who have been following me around the interwebs know the numbers are knocking my socks off, possibly agreeing with what the Mythbusters say about that phrase. Over the weekend I saw something that was so amazing I had to create a graphic to celebrate it with.
The story behind “He’s With the Band”
I thought since I was starting a site for my fiction writing I’d start it with the story behind He’s With the Band (HWTB), my very first short story, including who the artists mentioned in the first few paragraphs are.
I’ve loved to read for years, and beginning in the late 90’s I had been asked enough times if I’ve ever tried my hand at writing that I decided to take a stab at it. I had never taken a creative writing class outside of English classes in school but I had read enough books that I hoped I could write stories that people may want to read. One of the most given pieces of advice given to new authors is to write what you know, and I used my own life as a starting point for my writing. Of course I made a point of not writing anything too close to my life, for a number of reasons. more “The story behind “He’s With the Band””
Hello, World! Welcome to my writing blog!
As you’ve probably seen on my other sites, I’ve self-published an ebook called He’s With the Band (HWTB), a short story I wrote a decade or so ago. When I set up my author’s page at Smashwords I set my Linux site as my home page and my general site as my blog, but the more I thought about it neither site is a good home for my fiction writing. Thus this site was born. more “Hello, World! Welcome to my writing blog!”