Just a quick note of thanks

Check out the "He's With the Band" paperback at Amazon.comI just wanted to give a big THANK YOU!!!! to everyone who downloaded a copy of He’s With the Band so far. It hasn’t been published for a full month yet and over 300 copies have been downloaded. Holy crap! How did that happen to my little decade old short story?

Updated 4 September: It looks like I read the numbers wrong from Amazon. They’ve realized that my ebook is free everywhere else so they’ve lowered the price of the Kindle version to free as well. As of this as I type this I’m showing Amazon has had 229 downloads and Smashwords has served up 213 downloads for a grand total of 442 downloads. As I said yesterday, how the hell…???

I’m hard at work at my next book, a mystery in case you missed the news earlier. Once I get it closer to being ready for the world I’ll put out a call for beta readers, and once the book’s almost ready for publishing I’ll update HWTB to include a sample of the new book. Those of you who have it (except for the paperback edition) should be able to get the update free, but if there’s a problem with that just got to Smashwords at the link in the first paragraph where you can always get HWTB free of both price and DRM.

That image to the right? It’s a brand new image from Amazon showing that you can check out part of the story before you buy it, in either the Kindle format or good old fashioned dead tree paperback.

3 thoughts on “Just a quick note of thanks

  1. Morris Fenris Reply

    Congrats! Well done.

    1. jmhardinwrites Reply

      Thank you, Morris!

  2. […] Just a quick note of thanks (jmhardinwrites.wordpress.com) […]... clairevioletthropeexpress.wordpress.com/2013/09/04/updates-3

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