Want to read “He’s With the Band” away from your ereader? You can do that.

Updated 28 August: It’s available at Amazon.com NOW! See below for the link.

He's With the Band coverSince uploading my short story He’s With the Band to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing I learned that it’s not only really easy to publish an ebook, it’s also easy to print a physical book as well.

You can order a paperback copy of He’s With the Band from Amazon’s CreateSpace store, and in the next 5-7 days you’ll be able to order it from Amazon.com as well. It’s only $3.59 regardless of what store you buy it from, and both stores will get you Amazon’s customer service experience.

If you get a paperback of HWTB please let me know what you think of it. As always, if you’d like to write a review for it at the store where you got it (as an ebook or as a paperback) I’d really appreciate it.

I’ll update the sidebar to reflect the new way to buy HWTB, and I’ll update it with a link to the paperback on Amazon as soon as I see it’s available there. It’s there NOW! Who’ll be the first to get their own copy?

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