He’s With the Band gets updated… with goodies

He's With the Band now with a preview of "Somewhere... and More"!I just uploaded a new version of He’s With the Band to Smashwords with a sneak peek at Somewhere… and More: The Lyrics of J.M. Hardin.

You can get they updated version of HWTB from Smashwords now, and once they approve the new version it will go into the Smashwords Premium Catalog, which means it will be made available to the iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and the other ebook stores.

I’ve also uploaded the new version of HWTB to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing so once they approve it the update will be made available in the Kindle store. I’m not sure if Kindle owners will be offered the update but if not you can look for the updated cover.

Regardless of which store you like use to shop for ebooks, you’ll know a store has the updated version when you look at the cover and see the blue “sticker” on the cover. I hope you like the preview of Somewhere… and More. If you want to be a beta reader the time is running out so go to the page and let me know you want to be a beta reader. Please keep in mind that simply liking the post doesn’t let me know you want to be a beta reader, you need to fill out the form so I have an email address to send the PDF to.

Also don’t forget to vote in the poll for which way you want me to publish the lyrics. If you don’t vote you won’t be able to complain about which format I use. Actually you will be able to complain, but it will be too late to make a difference.

Have a great weekend, and if you’re in the US enjoy your extended weekend. Happy Columbus Day!

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