New digs in SecondLife


A few days ago I saw that virtual world program Second Life was 15 years old, and in that update, I saw that premium members like me recently got the amount of “land” we could own without paying an extra fee was doubled. I haven’t bought any land yet, but I did move into a new house.

My old home in Second LifeAs a premium user, one of the benefits I get for giving Second Life money every month is a free Linden Home. It’s not huge, but it does give you a place to unpack purchases, change clothes, and entertain friends on Second Life. My first home was in an area called Echo Meadows, and as a tip of the top hat to the Hamilton musical, I called my home Grangewich. As an area with Linden Homes, the area’s pretty crowded, much more crowded than most real neighborhoods would be, but that’s okay because it’s my house.

Nanci Barthelmess (my avatar) at Grangeview. Note the Dodgers stars & stripes.My new home is in an area called Stoneybrook and I have a pretty nice view on one side. My new home has a balcony, although it overlooks my neighborhood rather than the pretty view. Luckily my new house has huge windows on one side and I’m able to put a chair upstairs that looks out the wall of windows. Of course, I have a Dodgers stars & stripes flag in my window. I don’t mind letting my neighbors know I’m a big Dodgers fangirl.

You’ll notice I brought two pictures of my stuffed kitteh Eliza into Second Life so I can put them up as posters in my home. Some people may ask why I have the real Eliza’s pictures in Second Life when I have a version of her in my house, but I wanted to put up some pictures in my house and I haven’t taken the time to find them yet.

New new screen in my bedroomI mostly use my home as a place to unpack purchases and change clothes, in fact since taking these screenshots I’ve bought a nice screen for my bedroom that I can change clothes behind so I don’t inadvertently give anyone a free peep show.

Why do I have a bed in Second Life? I’ve been known to leave SL running when I call it a night, and Nanci has gone to bed too. Plus every now and then I may want to invite someone over for a little grown-up fun, and the scripted bed is great for that. So is my new rug.

I still have some tweaking to do in my house, but I wanted to pass along the pictures, both for those in Second Life as well as for those who may want to give it a try. Second Life is only available for desktop and laptop computers, although I hear they are working on a version for mobile devices.

Relaxing at Grangeview

Yes, the chair is huge, but as you can see it gives me room to spread out. I got it at Lok’s for just L$49 (I think), and it has some fantastic animations built-in. (I tried to find a link for it but can’t. I found a similar chair but the animations are different.) The table beside the chair is also from Lok’s, a store with some really nice things that won’t break the bank. If you’re on Second Life and have a place you can furnish, whether it be a home or a business, check out Lok’s. You may find they have some things you can use.

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