The numbers, they be changin’

A couple of months ago I got the bad news that while I can squeeze myself into an old pair of jeans, I can no longer fit into my favorite pair of shorts. I thought it was just because I’ve put on so much weight, but the other day I finally realized it’s because I’ve put on too much curves. Yes, my hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has feminized my body enough that I have curves! Yippee!!!

Today as I was taking my weekly measurements (a day late, but too bad) I got the idea to do a comparison of my current measurements vs the measurements I took back in June of 2016 when my primary care physician first started me on Finasteride for my enlarged prostate. Sure enough, I’ve not only developed 3″ worth of boobs, I’ve also added almost 3″ to my rear end. My hips are only 2.2″ bigger than they were when I got started, and I hope that changes, but I’m pretty happy with the numbers I’m seeing.

Since I first created a spreadsheet to track the difference in my measurements I’ve added rows to show the changes as my meds have changed. Some of the readings may look odd (like the reduction in bust numbers as I start Estradiol patches from the baseline), but I know I don’t take the measurements exactly the same way from week to week. It’s interesting to see how the numbers change as my HRT changes, although it mostly shows why the meds change rather than the body changes as my meds get changed.

How my body's changed with hormone replacement therapy

I’m not sharing my weight numbers because I’m too vain, but let’s just say I’ve added over 26 pounds since I took my baseline numbers. Yes, I know it’s because I’ve added curves I didn’t have two years ago, but the numbers don’t include how much more belly I have now than I did then. I started tracking that number last week, but I’m not sharing it either. Maybe if I can get my belly smaller I’ll share it eventually, but I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting to see them.

Of course, now I see why I need to go buy some new clothes soon. Mamma needs some new shorts for summer, and maybe a new dress or three. But I absolutely need new shoes, too, because my flats and sandals don’t fit so well anymore, either. Thank the Great Mother for sneakers that still fit.

2 thoughts on “The numbers, they be changin’

  1. Dorfman Family Reply

    Thank you for sharing your journey!

  2. […] in April, I wrote that my hormone therapy was doing a good job of changing my body, but when I took ...

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