
I just got an email from my endocrinologist and we finally have some long-awaited good news on my hormone therapy!

I have just received your recent test results. The estradiol level is finally at goal!

After four different doses/locations, my estradiol level has finally gotten up to 152, and that was after an extra day after my latest injection. It’s supposed to be four weeks and four days after starting a new dose and after some really wet weather on Thursday of last week I ended up moving my Thursday errands to Friday, including both my blood work and a trip to make some groceries.

Unfortunately, the blood work wasn’t all good news. Finally being on a good level of estradiol for hormone therapy has made it hard for me to keep weight off, and the test of my blood sugar was high enough that I’m going to have to start metformin. We’ll have to look at the dosage since it’s normally taken twice a day with breakfast and dinner and my night owl schedule means my breakfast is normally lunch, and I’ve been known to skip breakfast/lunch and just eat dinner, so that may affect how I take metformin.

The weather is starting to get nicer so I may see about heading over to the park near my flat and do a little walking over there, but with spring training being in full swing I have almost daily Dodgers baseball games at around 3 pm, which can keep me at home to stream the games. Also heading over to the park will mean I have to shave first, and that task is a pain in the arse that I tend to skip if I’m not heading anywhere. Couple that with the act that I’m slow as molasses first thing in the day and it’s going to be really hard to get myself out for a walk and be home in time for the game, especially since I’m not willing to go for that walk after the sun sets.

There is one more bit of really sucky news with my hormone therapy. I’ve now put on enough weight and developed enough curves that I can’t fit into my favorite shorts. I’ll also have to buy some new tops soon, and I still need some new dresses and skirts (thank the Goddess I can still fit into my denim skirt), plus my jeans are getting a little tight. I’ve also started buying new bras but I can hold off on buying more until I see if my boobs keep getting bigger. My endocrinologist says he’s seen patients developing B cup boobs mostly, but I’ve heard from some of my trans sisters that it’s more a matter of genetics and I’m pretty sure the girls in my fam are gifted with C cup girls. I’ve long wondered why women in New England seem to tend toward being smaller up top than women back in New Orleans, but I’m really hoping I get to need C cup bras, even if my band size is north of 40 inches. Tanj it.

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