Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Wednesday’s List

Find new ebooks to love at great discounts (or even FREE!) during Smashwords' 2014 Read An Ebook Week!Can we still call it Hump Day (NO camels, please!) when we’re at the midway point of Smashwords’ 2014 Read an Ebook Week promotion? It doesn’t feel right to mark the midway point of something so good.

I realized that I should have included links for the author’s websites and blogs when they’ve posted that information on Smashwords so this morning I went through and added that information to both Monday’s and Tuesday’s pages.

Something About Love (This Is Not Erotica) by Tess MackenzieSomething About Love (This Is Not Erotica) by Tess Mackenzie
Genres: Gay & lesbian fiction » Lesbian; Literature » Drama
Short story (12,442 words) The first night she meets Jo, Sophie realizes there are complications in Jo’s life. Jo doesn’t drink, and doesn’t kiss Sophie after Sophie has been drinking, and does both like it is something terribly serious. Sophie decides she likes Jo enough she will manage, whatever Jo’s problem is. This is the story of a few particular nights at the start of one relationship.

Please note: Tess normally writes erotica, or as she calls it, smut. But this isn’t one of her usual books. I’ve recommended people read this before and I’m sure I’ll do it again. If you can handle reading about a woman’s love for another woman you really need to read this. It’s an amazing story and it makes me wish she wrote more books that don’t get shelved in the proverbial back of the store behind the curtain.

Wow, can you believe it? That’s it for today. Tomorrow may also be a light day if I get on at all since my local library opens at noon on Thursdays but watch for a post on Friday because I know I’m going to find some things I want to let you guys know about. But seriously, Tess’ book? Just go get it and read it. And keep some tissues handy. It’ll be a good cry.

One thought on “Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Wednesday’s List

  1. […] If you missed my earlier lists you should peruse Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’...

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