Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Saturday’s List

Today's the last day to find new ebooks to love at great discounts (or even FREE!) during Smashwords' 2014 Read An Ebook Week!Sorry about not writing yesterday. I had some tech issues including multiple Blue Screens of Death while dealing with tags for some MP3s I had gotten. But I did find some ebooks you’ll want to check out and you have to act FAST since today’s the last day of Smashwords’ 2014 Read an Ebook Week promotion. If you missed my earlier lists you should peruse Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s lists.

I also updated the page for No Budget, No Pay with the official link for it on iBooks and to add the ebook on Diesel. Only Kobo and Flipkart don’t have it at this point and it’s just a matter of time before they do.

more “Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Saturday’s List”

Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Wednesday’s List

Find new ebooks to love at great discounts (or even FREE!) during Smashwords' 2014 Read An Ebook Week!Can we still call it Hump Day (NO camels, please!) when we’re at the midway point of Smashwords’ 2014 Read an Ebook Week promotion? It doesn’t feel right to mark the midway point of something so good.

I realized that I should have included links for the author’s websites and blogs when they’ve posted that information on Smashwords so this morning I went through and added that information to both Monday’s and Tuesday’s pages.

more “Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Wednesday’s List”

Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Tuesday’s List

Find new ebooks to love at great discounts (or even FREE!) during Smashwords' 2014 Read An Ebook Week!Have you guys been finding any new ebooks to read during Smashwords’ 2014 Read an Ebook Week promotion? I love some of the ebooks I found yesterday. I’ve already found some today that I bet will become favorites of mine.

I know the images in these posts are wrapping around each other. For some reason WordPress is stripping out my code to start each image on a new line. Grrr.

Updated 5 March 2014: Added link to the author’s websites or blogs, or if the don’t have one of those I added a link to their Smashwords author page. more “Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Tuesday’s List”

Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Monday’s List

Find new ebooks to love at great discounts (or even FREE!) during Smashwords' 2014 Read An Ebook Week!I thought that I’d publish a list of the ebooks I’m checking out during the 2014 Smashwords Read an Ebook Week promotion this week. Rather than make one list that could get rather Jabba-sized as the week goes by I’ll do a new list each day as I find new ebooks I think you guys (and gals) may want to read. With every book I’ll post the cover, title, author, genre and the short description. Unless otherwise indicated all of these ebooks are free during Read an Ebook Week. I hope something (or several somethings) catches your eye.

Updated 5 March 2014: Added link to Lashell Collins’ Pierced (A Boxed Set)  since I discovered I hadn’t put in a link on Monday. I also added links to the author’s websites or blogs, or if the don’t have one of those I added a link to their Smashwords author page. more “Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Monday’s List”

What I’m reading this week

Updated 18 September: I realized I had some bad links to some of the ebooks. It’s all fixed now. Sorry about that!

Since I signed up with Smashwords to publish my writing I’ve become an avid ebook reader. It seems every day there are new ebooks published that I want to read and I keep meaning to share what I find with everyone so starting today I’m hoping to publish a weekly list of the ebooks I’ve found on Smashwords that I’ve really enjoyed. Since this is the first time I’m writing this list I’m going to include the ebooks I’ve loved since first joining the site. more “What I’m reading this week”