Closing out 2019 on a good note

My weight has been an ongoing battle over the last couple of years, but this year has had some good news on the bod front.

If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen several celebrations as I got nice lower numbers from my scale. For years in my teens and twenties I weighed in around 150 lbs., and I considered 200 lbs. to be a red line I did NOT want to cross even as it got harder to keep my weight down once I hit my 30’s. As I started 2017 I was logging my weight as part of my weekly measurements to track how my body changed with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). I’m not nearly as active as I used to be so my weight kept heading upward. Granted, that’s kind of a good thing as my body started filling out and getting feminized, but I still disliked my weight getting too high.

You can imagine my displeasure as I started 2019 at close to 235 lbs. My favorite clothes didn’t fit anymore, and I simply hated being so heavy after spending so much time in the 150s. I knew that between my metabolism changing and my HRT I’ll probably never be in the 150s again but I hoped to get back to around 185. Over the last year, I realized 185 was too big a goal to reach for at once so I set interim goals of 200 and 215 lbs.

For some reason, I tweeted that I had hit 215 lbs on 13 December but forgot to write about it here. I no longer take my weekly measurements since I’ve reached a plateau in my changes, although I do log my weight every Sunday as I log my blood sugar and blood pressure at my doctor’s suggestion. I also try to step on the scale twice a day to try to catch when I eat too much to try and get rid of it the next day, and I smiled yesterday morning when I logged 216 yesterday. I figured I might log my measurements either today or tomorrow to get the end of the year readings, depending on what my scale showed in the mornings.

Today I was so amazed when I stepped on my scale I immediately moved my laptop into the bedroom so I could log the measurements before I had a chance to forget to do it as I started my day. (It’s been known to happen.) The magic number from the scale? 214.6, a number I hadn’t seen in over two years.

I grabbed a summary of how my body changed over the course of 2019 for my trans sisters. I’ve been on HRT for over 3 years and it’s been slow going, but I’m sharing this year’s numbers to show that you should be patient. The changes are coming. All numbers are in inches.

Overall I’ve added 3.25 inches to my bust over the past 3-and-a-half years, almost an inch and a quarter to my hips and an inch to my bum. I only added an inch to my waist over that time and I’d prefer more in my hips and bum but I’ll take what I can get at this point.

I hope everyone has a fantabulous start to their 2020, and may your new year be at least a sight better than 2019 was. Goddess knows that for all the good news I’ve had there’s been a crapload of bad news too, but that’s just how the old cookie crumbes, eh?

Happy 2020! (from Bitmoji)

OMG! That was nothing!

I finally gave myself my first injection of estradiol valerate, after spending a couple of hours putting it off because I was afraid it would be a pain in the proverbial arse. But it was literally nothing! The syringe took a little time to fill to 25 mL but making sure my leg was clean and dry before pushing the needle into it took longer than it took to put the needle in and injecting the medicine.

I now wonder why I was so worried and nervous about. There was a drop of blood on my leg after removing the needle but I know that happens some times after getting a shot so I’m not surprised by it. Now I just have to decide where to put the medicine and syringes when I’m not using them. My used syringes get recapped and dropped in a cleaned out juice bottle so that’s a no brainer, it goes on the floor by my desk. That’s where I’ll give myself the injections after all.

There’s a change on the horizon

(Yesterday I published an article that I had started writing in June, and I just realized I had never finished writing it. I’m not sure how I let that slip by me, but the title had nothing to do with the article as it was written. I’m including some of the info that should have been in that article in this one. I’m sorry if I confused anyone. – JMH)

As I’ve fought with my weight the last few months there have been a few other things going on with me. Some of the things aren’t so great, and some of them aren’t bad, but there are definitely some new things for me to get used to as we get ready to turn the calendar from July to August. more “There’s a change on the horizon”

And now it’s begun

Updated 19 Oct 2016 to show that the website for Translog is once again available.

One thing that many, if not most, male-to-female transgender folk want is to see their body changed to agree with the woman that’s inside them. The best way to do that is through hormone therapy (HRT), a combination of medications that generally add estrogen and progesterone to their bodies while blocking the production of testosterone. Back in June I was finally able to begin my first bit of hormone therapy, and early this month I was prescribed the rest of the therapy hormones. My body has finally begun to change into the feminine body I’ve wanted for over 25 years. more “And now it’s begun”

[Off Topic] I have a question for y’all

Yesterday I met with my endocrinologist and learned that I’m starting my hormone replacement therapy as a trans woman. When I shared that on Facebook I was asked if I’d be blogging my transition to becoming the woman I should have been born as.

My question is, would you guys be interested in reading it if I did? Also, should I post it to this site or should I start a new site for it? I know I haven’t posted much here in a while but I’m hoping to start writing again so I’m not sure if I should start a new site for blogging my transition or if I should include it in my posts here. What do y’all think?

[polldaddy poll=9512063]

The poll will close on Sunday, 11 September.

Updated 26 September: It took me a lot longer than expected to update this. Since all the votes were for me to write about my transition here that’s what I’ll do. I’m writing a post now that will include an update that makes me particularly happy.