What a diff’rence a day made…

"Somewhere... and More" cover… Twenty-four little hours

That song by Dinah Washington got cued up in my head as I was checking the stats on my books today. Not only have I seen He’s With the Band downloaded 80 times just this month, over the weekend someone bought Somewhere… and More over at Amazon. Of course that’s good news but I didn’t realize how much difference a single sale would make in my stats in the Kindle Store. How big a difference? Wow. more “What a diff’rence a day made…”

Are you ready for another Smashwords sale?

Get my ebooks for half price!Back in March Smashwords, my ebook distributor, ran their annual Read an Ebook Week  promotion and I made two of my ebooks half price for the occasion. I didn’t see the notice about it yesterday it this morning I learned that they have a Summer/Winter Sale every July to help people find ebooks they didn’t know they’d love, and as with Read an Ebook Week many of the ebooks on Smashwords are discounted if not completely free. Once again you can get my ebooks at a 50% discount but instead of just being for a week it’s for the entire month of July! more “Are you ready for another Smashwords sale?”

[Poll] Should I change the category for HWTB?

A few days ago I wrote about some amazing news I got from Amazon’s Australian store and tucked in at the end a question for my readers that I want to give its own post at the top of my site for a while. It turns out that as I’m working on a rewrite of He’s With the Band I’m noticing how little romance is in the story.

My question for you is simple: Should I change how the book is categorized to simply Christian fiction? I’d love to hear what my readers think I should do.

[polldaddy poll=8145174]

You can vote once per day and if you’re welcome to post a comment as well as vote if you want. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

We have a new milestone!

I love looking at the stats for my ebooks every day. Even when there’s not much news I make a point to check the download numbers for He’s With the Band and the number of times the previews for Somewhere… and More and No Budget, No Pay got downloaded. It turns out that even eight months after I published WHTB I still see 200-250 downloads every month between Smashwords and their partner sites and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program. more “We have a new milestone!”

My ebooks are now available on Scribd

My ebooks are now available on ScridbBack in December Smashwords announced that they had signed a distribution agreement with Scribd and today I see that my three ebooks are now available on that site. I’ve updated the pages for each book to include the new link (and a new link for No Budget, No Pay on Barnes & Noble) but I wanted to give you the links to each of my ebooks on Scribd on one page for those that want to check it out there.

And don’t forget, both Somewhere… and More and No Budget, No Pay are available for just $1.50 at Smashwords this week for Read an Ebook Week. That’s half off the regular price and Scribd doesn’t have that price so get your copy soon. The price will go back up to the regular price when the sale ends so don’t miss out.