Books I’m checking out for Read an Ebook Week – Saturday’s List

Today's the last day to find new ebooks to love at great discounts (or even FREE!) during Smashwords' 2014 Read An Ebook Week!Sorry about not writing yesterday. I had some tech issues including multiple Blue Screens of Death while dealing with tags for some MP3s I had gotten. But I did find some ebooks you’ll want to check out and you have to act FAST since today’s the last day of Smashwords’ 2014 Read an Ebook Week promotion. If you missed my earlier lists you should peruse Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s lists.

I also updated the page for No Budget, No Pay with the official link for it on iBooks and to add the ebook on Diesel. Only Kobo and Flipkart don’t have it at this point and it’s just a matter of time before they do.

Yesterday's Cat: Timeline B Episode 2: FUBARed from Naomi Kramer's Yesterday's Cat seriesYesterday’s Cat: Timeline B Episode 2: FUBARed (Yesterday’s Cat series, Episode B2) by Naomi Kramer
Genre: Science fiction » Adventure
Angie has arrived back in the future with her mission objective, Wayne, in tow. But the future she left and the one she returns to are substantially different. Her boss is different. Her colleague’s death has been erased. Now Angie has to foil the enemy’s plans in a world that she isn’t sure she knows.

Restless Leg Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease) : The Very Basics by DesertphileRestless Leg Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease) : The Very Basics by Desertphile
Genre: Essay » Technology
Restless Leg Syndrome; Willis-Ekbom Disease; “Jimmy Legs:” the uncontrollable need to move one’s legs and feet (some times arms) during periods of rest, to relieve discomfort. This pamphlet describes how RLS feels, how it is diagnosed, and offers suggestions on what you will wish to discuss with your health care provider if you suffer from the disorder.
While all the books I’ve featured for this series of posts are written in English I should have said sooner that Smashwords publishes ebooks in many languages. If you speak something other than English, either as a first or other language) you should see what Smashwords has in your other languages. I don’t know of a good way to search for ebooks in other languages but the language is listed in the information on the ebook listing pages, as well as on the individual ebook’s page.

Thanks to everyone who’s checked out my ebooks and the ebooks I’ve promoted this week. I hope you found something you fell in love with. I also want to give a great big thank you to all the good people at Smashwords and to my fellow independent authors. Without Smashwords a lot fewer people would have heard about my writing and without my fellow indy authors Smashwords would have no reason to exist.

I also want to give a huge thanks to my fellow authors. I’ve loved reading all my life and I’ve loved finding so many great books to read. My writing seems to come at a glacial pace (since my laptop died last fall) but I hope you all keep putting out books for us to love. Even without the books that take me into their stories when I want to block out the asshattery around me there’s nothing like curing up with a good book, even if it is in pixels rather than on paper.

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