Less than one week to “Somewhere… and More”

"Somewhere... and More" coverSomewhere… and More: The Lyrics of J.M. Hardin, my companion to He’s With the Band, is coming out in seven days and as we approach the release of my latest ebook I’m going to try to post an excerpt each day from now to Monday to help you see why if you love He’s With the Band I bet you’ll enjoy reading Somewhere… and More.

Somewhere won’t be a free ebook, but you can preorder it for $2.99 now at Smashwords, Apple’s iBooks, and Barnes & Noble’s Nook Store. It should also be available for preorder with Kobo but I can’t find it on their site yet.

The Introduction for Somewhere… and More is included in the updated release of He’s With the Band so if you don’t have it you should go back to the store where you originally got it and look for an updated cover of the book with a blue dot on it. (You can see the updated cover on the HWTB page on this site.) If your favorite store doesn’t have the latest version yet you can get it from Smashwords in any file type you need.

For today’s excerpt here’s the description I wrote for the story that opens He’s With the Band and is the title song for this ebook, Somewhere Someone Cares.

As I said on my website this song began life as a fun little chord progression in a practice room at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge, MA, where I was studying classical composition. It started out as just a little chord progression, B flat-B minor-C major, and I heard it as kind of a black gospel number. It’s a great chord progression for singers and keyboard players but I hear guitar players may not play well with it so I figured I’d change the key to something more guitar friendly if I turned it into a song I wanted to perform.

The progression itself got tucked away in the back of my mind until one night I was getting ready to take a shower and decided I’d just run the riff through my head and see what came out. It didn’t take long before I started getting the lyrics, and I quickly finished my shower and grabbed a pad and pen to write the lyrics down. The song pretty much wrote itself and while I’m not completely thrilled with the chorus otherwise it’s my favorite piece out of everything I’ve written. Even the music I wrote for a string quartet at Longy isn’t as big a favorite of mine as this song is, although I really wish I had gotten a chance to get it performed before I left Longy. Especially since I had finally finished it when my last semester there came to a close.

There’s more lyrics to the song so if you don’t get Somewhere… and More you may end up missing what could be your favorite part.

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