Tanj this week…

I haven’t forgotten to post ebooks I’ve found during Read an Ebook Week, I just didn’t have a chance to find any. I was going to post and say I’ll try to find some on Thursday but I lost a lens from my glasses Wednesday night, turning me from a 4-eyes to a 3-eyes, and had to scramble to least make arrangements to get a new set of eyes. My exam appointment is Tuesday morning and it turns out I’ll have to wait 4-6 weeks to get my new ones. (Tanj it Mass Health!)

Also, Monday I got confirmation that I have another surgery in my future. Some of you remember I had surgery to correct ulnar neuropathy two years ago this past January. When I started using my ‘Droid late last year I quickly got the numbness and tingling I had two and a half years ago, but this time I also got pain in my left arm. I didn’t have pain before so I suspected I’d have another surgery, and now I’m just waiting to find out when the surgery will be.

I hope you  all found some great new ebooks to read. Don’t forget, there are always new ebooks being published through Smashwords (my distributor) and a lot of them are free. Plus not every ebook published with Smashwords gets distributed to their retail partners so if you’re only looking on iBooks, Amazon, Kobo or one of their other partner sites you’re missing out on some great ebooks. Plus there are discounts for Read an Ebook Week that are only found at Smashwords and only through tonight.

I’ll see y’all next week. Have a great weekend!

One thought on “Tanj this week…

  1. […] I alluded to in Saturday’s post, I have some surgery in my future. Today I got confirmation th... https://jmhardinwrites.wordpress.com/2015/03/11/measure-twice-cut-once-again

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