Tanj this week…

I haven’t forgotten to post ebooks I’ve found during Read an Ebook Week, I just didn’t have a chance to find any. I was going to post and say I’ll try to find some on Thursday but I lost a lens from my glasses Wednesday night, turning me from a 4-eyes to a 3-eyes, and had to scramble to least make arrangements to get a new set of eyes. My exam appointment is Tuesday morning and it turns out I’ll have to wait 4-6 weeks to get my new ones. (Tanj it Mass Health!) more “Tanj this week…”

Sony leaves the ebook business

Sony Reader Store logoToday I got online after being off for two days and as I was checking headlines at NPR I saw Book News: It’s The End Of The Story For Sony’s E-Bookstore. That got my attention since my ebooks are available in Sony’s Reader Store thanks to their distribution deal with Smashwords, the company that distributes my ebooks. I went to Smashwords’ Site Updates page and saw the news there, along with a post on their blog that details that NPR didn’t provide. more “Sony leaves the ebook business”

Kobo makes it a sweep with all of the major ebookstores carrying all of my ebooks

Find my ebooks on SmashwordsAs many of you know, I distribute my ebooks via Smashwords, a company that was created for the sole purpose of helping independent ebook authors get their ebooks into ebookstores so that readers can find their ebooks. As you can see from the screenshot below if you have your ebooks in the Smashwords Premium Catalog they can put your ebooks in most, if not all, the major stores where readers will look for ebooks, including libraries. more “Kobo makes it a sweep with all of the major ebookstores carrying all of my ebooks”