Which parts of Franklin Park would you like me to post next?

Today I finally posted a collection of images from a scenic overlook in Franklin Park’s Wilderness (not the Overlook Ruins off the Playstead) and I was going to ask a question at the bottom of the post but I decided to split it off into its own post.

In addition to the pictures from the scenic overlook I’m hoping to get posted tomorrow, I also have a series of pictures of Scarboro Hill that my recent photo of the painted tree (posted on both Instagram (more detail) and on Twitter (more detail)), some pictures of Scarboro Pond (not nearly a complete set yet), and I want to take some pictures at Schoolmaster Hill and the Playstead, but where would you like me to get pictures of next? more “Which parts of Franklin Park would you like me to post next?”

[Poll] Should I change the category for HWTB?

A few days ago I wrote about some amazing news I got from Amazon’s Australian store and tucked in at the end a question for my readers that I want to give its own post at the top of my site for a while. It turns out that as I’m working on a rewrite of He’s With the Band I’m noticing how little romance is in the story.

My question for you is simple: Should I change how the book is categorized to simply Christian fiction? I’d love to hear what my readers think I should do.

[polldaddy poll=8145174]

You can vote once per day and if you’re welcome to post a comment as well as vote if you want. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.