Which parts of Franklin Park would you like me to post next?

Today I finally posted a collection of images from a scenic overlook in Franklin Park’s Wilderness (not the Overlook Ruins off the Playstead) and I was going to ask a question at the bottom of the post but I decided to split it off into its own post.

In addition to the pictures from the scenic overlook I’m hoping to get posted tomorrow, I also have a series of pictures of Scarboro Hill that my recent photo of the painted tree (posted on both Instagram (more detail) and on Twitter (more detail)), some pictures of Scarboro Pond (not nearly a complete set yet), and I want to take some pictures at Schoolmaster Hill and the Playstead, but where would you like me to get pictures of next?

[polldaddy poll=8602877]

Vote early and vote often. I’ll keep the poll running as I post new groups of pictures so if you want me to take more pictures of an area I’ve already posted keep voting for it and I’ll know you want to see more. Just keep in mind that these are only test pictures, not the pictures I’d use for the Franklin Park photo book.

Here’s a map of Franklin Park to help you decide what area you want to vote for.

Courtesy the Franklin Park Coalition http://www.franklinparkcoalition.org/

Big thanks to Christine Poff, executive director of one of my favorite nonprofits, the Franklin Park Coalition, for letting me use their printable map of the park. It’s from the page with their interactive map, which you can use to explore even more of the park online. You can also check out their Places in the Park for more information about each area of our much-loved urban park..

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