The numbers, they be changin’

A couple of months ago I got the bad news that while I can squeeze myself into an old pair of jeans, I can no longer fit into my favorite pair of shorts. I thought it was just because I’ve put on so much weight, but the other day I finally realized it’s because I’ve put on too much curves. Yes, my hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has feminized my body enough that I have curves! Yippee!!! more “The numbers, they be changin’”

Au revoir, WBZ News

When I moved to Boston from New Orleans almost 30 years ago one of the things I had to do was find a local tv station to get my news from. After checking out the options I ended up going with WBZ, the local CBS affiliate. The fact that I watched the news on the CBS affiliate back in New Orleans may have helped, but mostly it was the fact that I liked how WBZ presented the news, both in content and in the anchors and reporters.

But over the last three months or so, I started to become dissatisfied with the WBZ news, mostly because of how many times the news got delayed or flat-out preempted by sporting events on the weekend. Part of it was due to all the coverage of the New England Patriots, a team I’m sick of hearing about in a sport I couldn’t care less about. Yes, WBZ is the official broadcast partner of the Patriots, but while some folks I know refuse to watch the WBZ News because of that fact, I preferred WBZ’s news in spite of it. more “Au revoir, WBZ News”


You may remember there were problems with my estradiol blood levels before my surgery in October, and to try to increase my estradiol absorption, and my endocrinologist moved me from an insulin syringe to a syringe with a larger, and longer, 23 gauge needle so I could inject it into muscle instead of into fat. (For some odd reason the needle gets bigger as the gauge increases, not the other way around as you’d expect.) There’s just one problem with it, though. The estradiol valerate I’m injecting is so thick it can’t get into the syringe easily through a 23 gauge needle. After looking at several things and consulting with my doctor, his nurse, and my pharmacist, we’ve changed me to an 18 gauge needle, and by Jove, we’ve got it! more “Success!”

New designs, even more new products, but a new problem, too

Yesterday I posted a poll asking if I should turn my “I’ve got Religion” design into tees, and while the voting was sparse Dodgers fans on Twitter gave a quick and resounding “YES!” so I uploaded it and turned it into T-shirts. But I also uploaded a design with Chase Utley, and all of my designs got put on a wider range of products. Which caused a new problem. How do I display everything to make it easy to see all the designs I have available? more “New designs, even more new products, but a new problem, too”