It’s time for another CR on Capital Hill. Is it time to dock our lawmakers’ paychecks?

Buy "No Budget, No Pay" todayI just got an email update from my congressman, Michael E. Capuano (D-MA 7th) about a bill coming up for a vote tomorrow. There’s no federal budget passed yet for the new fiscal year that will begin on 1 October and they want to pass a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government open. My readers may recall that I’ve suggested that if our elected officials in Washington DC can’t pass a budget by the start of a fiscal year they should get their pay docked. Is it time to let our elected officials find out that their paychecks will get a little lighter?

Alas, it’s not that simple. The proposal in my ebook No Budget, No Pay hasn’t even come up for consideration yet but it could be a good thing it hasn’t. If it had, and it was passed, not only could our elected officials be looking at an automatic 25% pay cut but also an extra 5% hit if the continuing resolution gets passed.

Does that sound like something you might like to see our elected officials face? Look for No Budget, No Pay at your favorite ebook stores and if you agree contact your elected officials and let them know. You can find No Budget, No Pay at

You can find links to No Budget, No Pay on other sites in the book’s page on this site.

If you’d like to see the email that Rep. Capuano sent out he posted the text on his Facebook page. Do your elected officials let you know via email what’s going on every week? Rep. Capuano does, and if you think yours should too you should let them know. They may already be sending them out.

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