Important news about my Franklin Park photobook

Earlier this year I said I would be making the Franklin Park photobook that I had wanted to make two years ago. Unfortunately here it is the second week of June and I just posted my pictures from last month’s Franklin Park Bike & Kite Fest.

Things have been so crazy for me this year I still haven’t posted the pictures I took in the park on 31 March, and I haven’t been able to get down to the park to shoot new pictures other than those two sets. What with everything else going on I’ve come to the realization that the book simply isn’t happening in the form I wanted to do it in.

I’m going to try to get down to the park from time to time and create some sort of photobook of our beautiful urban park. And of course I’m going to post some of the pictures from March when I get a chance, but it won’t be this weekend since I’ll be volunteering both Saturday and Sunday at the Boston Pride festivities.

And I still need to finish the rewrite to He’s With the Band so I can publish it. One of these days.

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