I got it: Photo of the Day!

Last month I wrote and asked, “When did I become a futzing photographer?” To be completely honest with y’all, when I started posting pictures online I had one hope, not that it could help me get my Franklin Park photobook made, but to get one of my pictures selected as Jamaica Plain News’ Photo of the Day. I can scratch that off the bucket list. I did it yesterday.

More than the hood is happy with this picture being on this siteWhen I read the daily news email from the JP News yesterday I saw that a recent picture of mine had been selected as the Photo of the Day and I was waiting for it to hit the website before I posted the link. The site didn’t show the picture until today for some reason but once I checked it today I saw it. The screenie on the right is how the page on the JP News site looks on my phone, and if you click on the image it will take you to the JP News page.

It’s actually the third image of mine that’s been used by the JP News. One of my very first pictures, a shot of the Hubway bike rental station after it had been relocated to Curtis Hall that I had taken on 12 December, was used in a story about the relocation of the Hubway station. When JP News editor Chris Helms saw it he asked me on Twitter if he could use my picture in the story and I told him that not only could he use that image but I was giving him blanket permission to reuse my images.

He also used a picture I took of the brand new sign for Blanchard’s Liquors had a letter without illumination within a day after the new sign was installed. Whoops!

Instagram seems to  be the best place to look for my pictures online, although there are some pictures that don’t work in the square format that Instagram forces on pictures and I’ll post those to my Twitter feed. But there are a lot more pictures I’ve taken just of Franklin Park than I want to post individually to either Instagram or Twitter and I’ve decided to start posting those here, beginning with some pictures of a scenic overlook between Franklin Park’s Ellicott Arch and Schoolmaster Hill that I took the first weekend of the new year. I had planned on trying to get those up today but it looks like I’ll have to shoot for tomorrow on that. As always, watch the blog (or my Twitter feed) for an announcement when that gets published, or you can sign up to get email notifications when I post something new. Look for FOLLOW WFAA VIA EMAIL on the left-hand side of the page and put in your email addy to get an email every time I post something new. If you have a site on WordPress.com you can click the Follow button in the WP toolbar at the top of the page.

Go to the Jamaica Plain News site to see Hood Happiness (my first Photo of the Day).

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