A huge THANKS! to my first Kickstarter backers!

Want to back my next book?Yesterday marked the end of the first week for my Kickstarter project to create a book with a year’s worth of pictures of Franklin Park. I was wondering if people were waiting for someone to be my first backer before they pledged. If that’s what you were waiting for your wait is over. And what a first backer it is!

Last night my niece, GuiseppeandAmy Hardin Pizzalato, became my first backer! Not long after that Tara LeBlanc Guillot, one of my aunts and anything but a holy terror, also backed my project. Thanks you two!

As of this writing I have 22 days to raise $2,785. And you never know when I’m going to do something extra special for one of my backers, as GuiseppeandAmy found out this morning. After I got offline last night I decided to bump my first backer to the next level of rewards as a thank you for getting the ball rolling so this morning I was able to tell GuiseppeandAmy that in addition to the USB flash drive with all of my ebooks and all the pictures and video I take for the book she’s also getting a signed copy of the paperback edition of the book.

What extra will I do for one of my backers? You never know until you back me, but I’m not always going to wait to pick someone to do something extra for. Is this a lottery or something? Nope. Kickstarter doesn’t allow drawings like that so this is just my way of saying I really appreciate my backers. The book will never get made without them.

I’ll be offline until Monday so how about giving me some nice surprises to get online to and show me how many more people will back my next book?

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