We have a new download milestone!

Yesterday when I checked my download numbers I saw I was really close to hitting a new milestone in downloads and had a feeling by the time I logged off at the end of the day I would probably have hit it. And I did.

When I got online today and checked my download numbers I saw that Amazon had pushed me over a nice big round number.

My ebooks have been download over 1400 times!

You’re seeing that correctly, my ebooks have been downloaded over 1400 times since I first published He’s With the Band back on 5 August 2013! That number includes downloads of the samples of Somewhere… and More and No Budget, No Pay (including before the title was changed back in February).

I want to give a big thanks to Smashwords for distributing my ebooks for me and to Amazon for not only selling my ebooks for the Kindle but for somehow getting me over 150 downloads of He’s With the Band every month. I’m still not sure how that’s happening but I’m really glad to see so many people are wanting to read it.

I’m still working on a rewrite of He’s With the Band, and when it gets done I already have an idea for my next ebook. (I still can’t access the mystery I was writing when my laptop died back in September but I’m still hoping to finish it some day.) All I’ll say is that the next ebook I hope to work on will be a nonfiction ebook about one of my favorite places Boston.

In the meantime don’t let the rewrite keep you from reading my very first short story. Hundreds of people have read it and enjoyed it and you may enjoy it as much as they have. My hope is that the rewrite will simply make it even better.

As always, if you’ve read my ebooks and enjoyed them please consider writing a review at the store you got it from. Every review will help someone else discover my writing.

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