Kobo makes it a sweep with all of the major ebookstores carrying all of my ebooks

Find my ebooks on SmashwordsAs many of you know, I distribute my ebooks via Smashwords, a company that was created for the sole purpose of helping independent ebook authors get their ebooks into ebookstores so that readers can find their ebooks. As you can see from the screenshot below if you have your ebooks in the Smashwords Premium Catalog they can put your ebooks in most, if not all, the major stores where readers will look for ebooks, including libraries.

Smashwords Premium Distribution summary

You’ll see that I have opted out of having Smashwords send my ebook to Amazon, but that’s because of how Amazon gets ebooks for their Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program. Once I upload a new book or update to Smashwords I turn right around and send it to KDP so they’ll have it as well.

Kobo has all 3 of my ebooks!As of today I can happily say that Kobo has all of my ebooks and I’ve updated the individual pages for each of my ebooks on this site. They will get the updated edition of No Budget, No Pay once it passes the Smashwords Premium Catalog review, which I hope will be before the week’s up.

Speaking of Amazon, if you’re a Kindle reader they have No Budget, No Pay for $1.99, the price before the new edition saw the price to $2.99, but I can’t say how long that will last. It’s probably a matter or price matching so when they see everyone else has it for $2.99 they’ll raise their price as well. Get it today and save $1! And if you’re wanting a paperback copy of He’s With the Band Amazon has increased the price to $5.38 due to some changes in their system but they’re offering a 5% discount to $5.11. I’ll try to see why the price jumped and if I can get it lower again.

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