Babe’s Babies: The Kittens’ First Week

The Kittens’ First Day

Babe standing in the opening of the ca bed with an expression that says, "Do you mind???"
Babe laying on her side to let her babies nurse, and the look on her face suggests she's trying to decide who to be more angry with, me for wanting to take so many pictures of her primary human for not spaying her and letting her get pregnant.

1 Day Old

Babe's five kittens, just one day old
A grey tiger-striped cat, babe's kitty daddy, on my neighbor's landing. He usually runs when he sees us, but this was in mid August, not long after he made some babies with Babe.

2 Days Old

Babe, laying on a bed with lavender sheets
Two day old babies in their birthing box

3 Days Old

The 3 day old kittens already getting big. They can finally span my entire palm from wrist to the base of my fingers.

4 Days Old

The Babe family enjoying a little dinner

5 Days Old

The kittens in a box approximatly 3 times larger than their birthing box. The box has a light green blanket in the bottom with a grey towel on top of it that the kittens can lay on

6 Days Old

The empty box as I found it upon waking up the day the kittens turned 6 days old
The kittens  on a dark teal green towel with a tab bamboo pattern tote with lavender straps just behind them.

I don’t think I have a better picture of the furry family to close out their first week with.

Closing out the kittens' first week with the whole family together in the closet


One thought on “Babe’s Babies: The Kittens’ First Week

  1. […] These are the pictures from 31 May to 6 June. Want to see the earlier pictures? Here are the picture...

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