From the “I Couldn’t Do that Again If I Tried Department”, I was checking my weekend download numbers and sales stats this morning when I checked the overall rank for Somewhere… and More on Amazon and had to stop and grin.
I’m not grinning because of where it falls on the chart, mainly because it’s been a lot higher, but because of the last two sets of numbers. In the fourteen months that I’ve been a published author I’ve never seen a number where the digits on one side of a comma match the number on the other side of the comma.
I just had to share this. I’m still working on the rewrite of He’s With the Band but since I only have access to a laptop when I’m at the library every day I end up with a lot more to do every day than I have time to do and I have a new scene for the story to type up and I’d swear I hear the notebook the new scene was written in yell at me every time I look at it. Hopefully Santa Claws will leave a laptop and some catnip under the tree if I still don’t have a laptop by Chrismukkuh.