[Off Topic] I have a question for y’all

Yesterday I met with my endocrinologist and learned that I’m starting my hormone replacement therapy as a trans woman. When I shared that on Facebook I was asked if I’d be blogging my transition to becoming the woman I should have been born as.

My question is, would you guys be interested in reading it if I did? Also, should I post it to this site or should I start a new site for it? I know I haven’t posted much here in a while but I’m hoping to start writing again so I’m not sure if I should start a new site for blogging my transition or if I should include it in my posts here. What do y’all think?

[polldaddy poll=9512063]

The poll will close on Sunday, 11 September.

Updated 26 September: It took me a lot longer than expected to update this. Since all the votes were for me to write about my transition here that’s what I’ll do. I’m writing a post now that will include an update that makes me particularly happy.

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