Earlier this year WordPress, the company that hosts this site, announced that they now support site logos for their hosted websites. That got me thinking and I have come up with some possible site logos but I’d like my readers to help me pick which of the possible logos will represent my writing. The logo I end up going with won’t only go on this site and the books I write, including any updated ebooks or even covers for the three books I already have published. It will also be used on Twitter and any other platform I use to connect with my readers.
Sometimes numbers make you smile
From the “I Couldn’t Do that Again If I Tried Department”, I was checking my weekend download numbers and sales stats this morning when I checked the overall rank for Somewhere… and More on Amazon and had to stop and grin.
I’m not grinning because of where it falls on the chart, mainly because it’s been a lot higher, but because of the last two sets of numbers. In the fourteen months that I’ve been a published author I’ve never seen a number where the digits on one side of a comma match the number on the other side of the comma.
I just had to share this. I’m still working on the rewrite of He’s With the Band but since I only have access to a laptop when I’m at the library every day I end up with a lot more to do every day than I have time to do and I have a new scene for the story to type up and I’d swear I hear the notebook the new scene was written in yell at me every time I look at it. Hopefully Santa Claws will leave a laptop and some catnip under the tree if I still don’t have a laptop by Chrismukkuh.
It’s time for another CR on Capital Hill. Is it time to dock our lawmakers’ paychecks?
I just got an email update from my congressman, Michael E. Capuano (D-MA 7th) about a bill coming up for a vote tomorrow. There’s no federal budget passed yet for the new fiscal year that will begin on 1 October and they want to pass a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government open. My readers may recall that I’ve suggested that if our elected officials in Washington DC can’t pass a budget by the start of a fiscal year they should get their pay docked. Is it time to let our elected officials find out that their paychecks will get a little lighter? more “It’s time for another CR on Capital Hill. Is it time to dock our lawmakers’ paychecks?”
Join Us in the Fight For Net Neutrality
[Poll] Would you be willing to tip me?
One of the things I heard several times when I was running my Kickstarter Campaign was that people would like a way to back me outside of the Kickstarter campaign. Today I was reminded of this when I saw an article from Make Use Of on making money from creative content. They mentioned two ways my readers could tip me so I wanted to ask which way you’d like me to go with. more “[Poll] Would you be willing to tip me?”
A Holiday Message from Al Simmons and Linda Nadal [Labor Day]
Hi, this is Al Simmons and Linda Nadal from He’s With the Band. I asked J.M. if I could send everyone a message for Labor Day.
Everyone with Omega Glory is amazed at how many people have gotten He’s With the Band. When J.M. told us there had been over 1500 downloads after the book was published we couldn’t believe our ears, and when he told us the other day that we had crossed the 1600 mark for downloads it blew me away.
Wait, cariño, how many? more “A Holiday Message from Al Simmons and Linda Nadal [Labor Day]”
I’m now on Bloglovin!
Today as I was checking up on things WordPress.com (the company that hosts this site) I saw a post about Bloglovin. It looks like a great way to keep up with blogs you love and this site is now available on it. I look forward to seeing what other sites are on it, although I’ll have to make a point to not spend so much time on Bloglovin that I spend even less time actually writing. Tux knows I don’t do nearly enough writing as it is.
My new most favorite quote? Of course it’s from AFP.
A couple of days ago I got an email from my hero, Amanda Freaking Palmer, and she gave us an update on the book she’s written. In the post is a link to a story about making the cover and she said something that may be my newest favorite quote:
i asked a friend of mine who writes REAL books about this feeling and he said: yes, that’s why i can’t stop writing books. so books are crack, basically. that’s nice to know.
Books are crack. I can dig it, which may explain why I hate having to admit that I haven’t done anything new lately on the rewrite of He’s With the Band. (The quote came from here but I have to warn you that the images in the post are not all safe for work [they get NSFW in other words].)
I have a new scene that I started working on longhand and I just discovered that it never did get typed up. I”ll see about bringing the notebook in tomorrow and typing it up so I can see about getting you all a preview of what’s coming. That is it’s coming if I can ever get it finished. *g*
Have a great weekend, y’all. I’ll try to have something new for you guys (and gals) to read soon, even if it’s just a sneak preview of the HWTB rewrite.
Can you believe it’s been a whole year?
Tuesday marked one year since I published He’s With the Band and it’s been an amazing year. I had no idea that within a year I’d have two more ebooks published, be available in so many stores, and have my ebooks downloaded so many times! more “Can you believe it’s been a whole year?”
Thanks for your help with the Franklin Park book Kickstarter project
Unfortunately the Kickstarter project simply didn’t get the backing it needed and I’ve closed it early. This obviously means the Franklin Park ebook won’t get made at this point, but since the laptop to replace my old one was part of the budget for that project it means that it will continue being difficult for me to do much writing. I still have the rewrite of He’s With the Band that I want to finish but it will take time during the day that gets taken from other tasks to work on it.
Thanks to everyone who backed me and got the word out, especially Amy, Tara and Danielle, as well as Pareesa and everyone over at the Franklin Park Coalition. Perhaps we can try it again at some point because I’d love to get this book made.