The Duck is getting a Redesign

Search better at DuckDuckGoAnyone who’s known me for any length of time has heard me talk about DuckDuckGo, a site that is one of the very best search engines you can use today because unlike the other big search engines it won’t track you or filter your results based on what you’ve searched for in the past. And it’s getting ready to get even better.

The devs and users at DuckDuckGo have been working on a redesign and they’ve opened things up for people to check out.

This next version of DuckDuckGo focuses on smarter answers and a more refined look. We’ve also added many new features you’ve been requesting like images, auto-suggest, places and more. Of course, your privacy is protected as well!

They’re hoping to get the new version ready to go live in the next month and that’s where you come in. They want you guys to use it, abuse it, and see if you can break things. If you’ve used the Duck for a while then try your usual searches on the new site and see how it works for you. Try out all your favorite goodies and !bang commands, and see what other ways you can use the Duck to find what you’re looking for. You can also check out their long list of goodies that let you do special search queries to get information you need.

Updated 4:03 PM: There’s now a handy cheat sheet showing some of the goodies you can use with the Duck, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter to find out about new instant answer goodies you can use.

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