Earlier this year WordPress, the company that hosts this site, announced that they now support site logos for their hosted websites. That got me thinking and I have come up with some possible site logos but I’d like my readers to help me pick which of the possible logos will represent my writing. The logo I end up going with won’t only go on this site and the books I write, including any updated ebooks or even covers for the three books I already have published. It will also be used on Twitter and any other platform I use to connect with my readers.
My first thought was to use an open book graphic with icons representing smartphones and tablets as the base for the logo but it was too busy with the icons on the book so I went with just the book graphic as the basis for the logo. I decided to use a shade of blue that I use on a lot of things already (I almost went with my beloved Dodger Blue but didn’t like the way it limited some of my other color choices. I also used a bit of brown as spot color to match the main color used as a primary color on the site. (I wanted to use some green to represent the photo book about Franklin Park that I was trying to get funded as I was initially working on the logo but I didn’t want to use too many different colors. One day I’d like to ditch the brown and go with the blue as a primary color on this site but that’s a budgetary consideration.)
When I originally started thinking about a logo for my writing I wanted to use my real initials, either as I sign them or in a stylized grouping that let one letter form off the previous one. Unfortunately I don’t have a tablet computer or a Wacom tablet to use to digitize my initials so I ended up going through my collection of fonts I have and picking some fonts that might work for the task. I ended up going with four fonts, Conchoid, Drawback, Rosenfield and Runon.
Which of these do you like best? Should I keep searching for other possible fonts to use? Should I nag my tablet-owning friends until they let me borrow their tablet to digitize my initials and use that? You can vote once every day so feel free to vote again every day. I’ll close the poll on Monday, 3 November.
[polldaddy poll=8400342]
Feel free to leave your thoughts in the Comment section after you vote. I’d love to hear what everyone thinks about the logo.
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