Thanks for your help with the Franklin Park book Kickstarter project

The Franklin Park book has been cancelledUnfortunately the Kickstarter project simply didn’t get the backing it needed and I’ve closed it early. This obviously means the Franklin Park ebook won’t get made at this point, but since the laptop to replace my old one was part of the budget for that project it means that it will continue being difficult for me to do much writing. I still have the rewrite of He’s With the Band that I want to finish but it will take time during the day that gets taken from other tasks to work on it.

Thanks to everyone who backed me and got the word out, especially Amy, Tara and Danielle, as well as Pareesa and everyone over at the Franklin Park Coalition. Perhaps we can try it again at some point because I’d love to get this book made.

2 thoughts on “Thanks for your help with the Franklin Park book Kickstarter project

  1. […] the big question, isn’t it. Since I won’t be working on my photobook of Franklin Park it...
  2. […] of the things I heard several times when I was running my Kickstarter Campaign was that people woul...

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