Happy National Novel Writing Month!

With the start of November comes the start of National Novel Writing Month. Will I be participating? That’s a good question.

I’ve never participated in NaNoWriMo because I haven’t felt I could write a full novel in the month. This year it could be different. I’m in a new place with a nice speedy laptop, plus there’s the mystery I had written that I lost when my hard drive crashed a while back and I could use NaNoWriMo to recreate it. I do want to finish a rewrite of He’s With the Band, but I’m thinking this could be a perfect opportunity to recreate my mystery.

Committing to the mystery is a really big commitment. Not only do I have to remember how the story was going back when I was writing it but I have to redo all the research I had done and recreate my list of characters. It’s a lot of work, and I have to consider if I want to risk putting the rewrite of HWTB until next and risking not working on it then.

I’m going to give it a good thunk after I finish my weekly housekeeping and when I make a decision I’ll let everyone know. What do you guys think? Should I take the plunge? Should I finish HWTB before starting a novel? Tell me in the comments.

Updated 22 November: I decided not to participate in NaNoWriMo but I’m going to try and finish HWTB. It probably won’t be ready for Chrismukkuh but perhaps by the time 2016 starts. Sorry about not posting this sooner.

One thought on “Happy National Novel Writing Month!

  1. Renee Harvey Reply

    Yes! Do NaNo with me! I love that my local team has stressed that this isn’t about producing a polished work in 30 days, but it’s about setting good writing habits. Even if I don’t hit 50,000 words by November 30th, I will have won if I’ve made a habit.

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