Quick Hit: My ebooks are now available on Blio!

I just wanted to post a quick note to say that my ebooks are now available on Blio! It’s one of the latest stores that Smashwords has gotten my ebooks into. I’ll update the individual book pages soon but I did want to give everyone the links to each ebook on the newest store to carry my ebooks.

Those links may not always work for you. The way the Blio site shows books doesn’t seem to let me find a permanent link for any book. If the link doesn’t get you to what you’re looking for do a search for the book title (for He’s With the Band leave off the first word because the apostrophe throws their search software off) or just search for my name, J.M. Hardin. Searching for my name will get you all three of my ebooks on their site.

Just a note of something I meant to post last week but the new update to iOS 8 that was announced last month means that iBooks will be built into the OS to make my ebooks that much easier to find on your iDevices! Woo hoo!

I also have something I’m working on that I’ll save for a post by itself but it could be a really cool thing if it comes off. Follow my site or my Twitter feed to find out when I get to post about it.

One thought on “Quick Hit: My ebooks are now available on Blio!

  1. […] week ago I posted that my ebooks were available on Blio but I didn’t have direct links to my b... jmhardinwrites.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/blio-txtr

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